The different ways of learning languages

There are different ways of learning languages.

There are many ways to learn a foreign language. Every person is different, so you can not just say which way is the best way to learn a language. Unfortunately, there is not a exemplar learning method.

Ultimately, everyone must find the learning method that suits him or her the best. Often the combination of various training methods is the key to success. We have grouped the main language learning methods as follows:

  • Language lessons
  • Language courses abroad
  • Language Studies
  • PC Language Courses
  • Online Courses
  • textbooks with Audio CDs
  • Media (internet, magazines, TV, radio)

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Language lessons

Languages can be learned in groups or in intensive individual lessons. Individual lessons are usually quite expensive and are out of the question for most learners.
In language classes and evening classes different languages are offered. Evening classes are especially suitable for budget-conscious students who want to learn a language for the first time.

ways of learning languages

Almost all evening classes offer language classes.

© Claudia Paulussen –

Since the classes are led by a teacher, your speaking will be individually improved, so that initial errors won’t stick. Another advantage of language learning courses is that you can ask specific questions and the teacher can focus on these priorities.

A disadvantage of language learning courses is that your learning is quite inflexible, and your eagerness to learn can be slowed down by a large group. Alternatively, you can of course learn with a computer language course or an online course simultaneously to the language lessons.
Language lessons are also offered in so-called ‘online classrooms’.

Language Courses Abroad

Learning a language abroad is, in my opinion, the best way to learn a foreign language.
In a country whose language you want to learn, you will be confronted at every turn with this language. You will even think in the language after two to three days (at the latest). For a reasonable language course abroad you must, however, have several thousand euros to spend. Moreover, language courses abroad are not suitable for beginners.

Junge Frau in der Stadt
Language courses abroad are relatively expensive but very effective

© Jürgen Fälchle –

Studying a language

Those who do not want to just speak and understand a language, but also want to write and talk in this language in a grammatically correct manner, can not avoid doing a studying a language. Studying a language is very time consuming and is usually offered full-time.
Of course you can also study a language part time. But the additional burden on your professional and family life should not be underestimated. Those who must control negations and laws in a language or those who want to earn money with the language, can not avoid studying a language.

PC Language Courses

Language courses on the computer are a very good way to learn a new language. Unlike normal language lessons you can choose the learning time yourself and even sometimes take a little break form studying, if your job doesn’t give you another choice. Most PC-language courses have built-in voice recognition, so the pronunciation is not missed out on. Only unobstructed speaking is not encouraged or trained in the PC-language courses. PC-language courses for beginners are available here.

norwegian language course
PC-language courses and online courses are suitable for all ages.

© contrastwerkstatt –

Textbooks with Audio CDs

Before the first PC-language courses and online courses came onto the market, studying with textbooks that included Audio CDs was one of the methods worth considering for self-taught learners. Even today, many learners use textbooks. However, having the equipment of a book and a CD player is very inflexible so many language learners prefer a PC-language course. A large selection of textbooks can be found, among other places, on Amazon.

Online Courses

Online courses are structured similarly to PC-language courses and cover virtually all learning methods and topic areas. The advantage of an online course is that you can learn on virtually any computer in the world. Nowadays, there are apps for many online courses, so you can learn on the move at any time with your smartphone or tablet. More information about online courses can be found on this website.

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Media (internet, magazines, TV, radio)

Media such as web pages, foreign newspapers, television programs and radio broadcasts are not a language learning method in the literal sense. You can not really learn a language just by listening to programs and reading articles. However, as a free addition to the language learning methods mentioned above, these mediums are perfect.

danish language course

Simply take a look at the foreign-language news site before work

© Spectral-Design –

Other language learning methods

In addition to the language learning methods mentioned here, there are some other language learning methods, such as a language tandem, which I will not continue to address here. Nevertheless, I will introduce some unconventional ways of learning languages in the following articles.

Here you will get even more tricks and tips :

  1. The different ways of learning languages
  2. Learning vocabulary successfully
  3. Motivated language learning
  4. It is so easy to train your understanding of a language at the same time
  5. Learning languages quickly? – Is it possible?
  6. The different types of learners when learning languages

Here you’ll find this article in other languages:

Which language would you like to learn? Choose a language here:

Online language course for major languages:

Online language course for North European languages:

Online language course for East European languages:

Online language course for South-East European languages:

Online language course for North and Central Asian languages:

Online language course for South Asian languages:

Online language course for South-East Asian languages:

Online language course for Semitic and African languages:

Online language course for further languages:

online language course

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